Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mother 12 years old and Aunt Velma 10 yeqrs old August 8, 2010

The last of the new pictures that I found of mother.
I think we have been on the same wavelength. Yesterday I was thinking about next year's calendar. I didn't come up with anything. But your idea is a good one! I think I will use old ones. I know some of these won't enlarge too big but a few on one page will still be good. It also made me think of Ellene. She has so many old pictures. If I could get those scanned (surely one of her grand kids could do that) and sent to me. That would be wonderful. I have doubts that it will happen though. I wish South West went to South Carolina, I would plan a trip there. It is so expensive with other airlines SO I think a phone call or a letter will be the next best thing.
Do you know where lots of my time goes? It is things like the above. My brain goes into daydreaming and think about things without doing anything for awhile. Also the rest of the time go's where ever, who knows. Oh well this is Sunday. Maybe tomorrow I will work on organization.

1 comment:

  1. The last time I tried to edit a post, I lost it. So Aunt Velma is 10 years old not yeqrs.
