Thursday, September 30, 2010

outdoor potty September 30, 2010

This was in our camp site when we got there. I guess someone didn't like the squat method. I used the squat method. Deer hunters come up to this area and deer hunting season started the next week. It was nice to get away but not one of my favorite getaways. I leave again tomorrow and even though it will be tent camping, it will be so much nicer. It will be civilized area, bath rooms and prettier. Plus it is a photography class. So much to do in the 2 days in between.
I enjoyed my luncheon at my friend's new house. It is new and large. She had 24 or 25 there and since I haven't been playing tennis, I got to see lots of my old tennis friends that I haven't seen in a few months. So nice to have something like this in between 2 dirty camping trips.
I got up this morning about 5:00. I went on the computer to find a quinoa recipe for the trip. I am in one of the vegetarian food groups, then a person who is allergic to gluten which makes it even harder to find a recipe except quinoa is gluten free and a complete protein, I wanted to add some other things. I have so much on my computer, plus lots of email for the days that I was gone. While going through all this, I found this quote that I had saved.
" There is only one way to happiness and that is cease worrying about the things which are beyond the power of our will."
I really hated to hear about your lump that you found but hopefully, it is just a calcium deposit and no problems to it. Keep me posted. Yes, with all your doctor's appointment, it sounds like Norma. But it is best to get all that done. So that is good. I didn't hear from Norma last night. I hope she didn't have to stay the night. I talked to my friend who had this done and she did o.k.
Your angel thing for my birthday was so nice. You know how to make a person feel so good, having a birthday was a highlight in my day.
That was a interesting article on carbs and calcium. We have been going over the best foods for the most calcium. I enjoy that list.
How has your ebay done?
This blog has probably been long enough to make up for the days that I was gone.

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