Friday, October 15, 2010

Granny Smith apples October 8 ,2010

I started this yesterday and forgot to save it before I left it so here I go again. I have to do something with the apples, and the tomatoes. It has been in the 90s so I don't want to do much cooking.
I guess you are getting in your walking. Sorta like the politicians. I will be glad when the election is over. I still have to figure out all the little things to vote for.
I am glad you could get back on the blog., You will probably be so busy for this campaign that I won't see you again for a few weeks. Robin has my book but I see her tomorrow night when I go take some pictures for the girls and their friends for homecoming dance.
I went out to lunch today with a couple of friends. It was good and pretty fattening so I decided to eat today. I was doing pretty good the last few days. Since I couldn't write this down, not knowing calorie count, I decided to go ahead and eat what I wanted today. Hopefully, there aren't too many days like this.

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