Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26,2010

Almost the same picture as yesterday but I had forgotten my sling. Last night stayed in one bed, didn't sleep much but I stayed put. I hope to get comfortable tonight. I have one more set of exercises to do.
The story of the marbled stone is a good one. I think this slab of marble really put a lot of new veins in throughout this year. It is amazing about the concept of age. I had never given it much thought in the past. Older age used to be looked up to ( I know it still is sometimes) but their is so much more emphasis put on youth. So now that I have entered the phase of old age, I should accept it with grace and enjoy! It is better than the alternative.
I love to read your blogs. They are so thoughtful, put together and say so many provoking things. So professional. You really do need to be writing a book ( in your spare time of course).

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